#7 – bees wraps, bags and worms

What a wonderful journey to reducing plastics and less waste.

A recent gazetted hard rubbish Council pickup weekend was such great fun.  And a fantastic source of ‘trash’.  Terracotta pots, a worm farm, trestle horses, planter box and yucca’s – to mention a few.  Thanks Palm Beach, for your generosity, and great rubbish.  Check out the leather rug, cardboard containers and chairs, a co-collector picked up. Seriously choice trash.  (And I never thought I would hear myself say that.) 3 car boot loads in total.

Finally, this change feels tangible.  The bees wax wraps are excellent, although for some reason I still have small reservation as to the longevity of the wrap and look forward to being pleasantly surprised.

Another wonderful experience was searching (google) for alternate local products.  Not only did I find and order from a local company  but I was also invited to meet at the same place – Boomerang Bags , (check out the community engagement work they do as well.  Truly remarkable),  and to then be invited to attend a function out at Tallebudgera Valley – thank you, and thank you Anthony Hills from Plastic Pollution Solutions for the introduction.

I’m a farmer as well.  A worm farmer.  Well, thats what it said on the starter box.  Hopefully I won’t smell rank now with WanderLightly ‘s deo!